Thursday, June 18, 2009

Still chasing papers

After all the months of paperchasing, I thought we were pretty much done. Someday I'll do a post on just what all we had to do to get our dossier ready at the beginning of our adoption journey. Fourteen pieces of paper that sum up our whole life.

Now, two years and two months later, we're a lot farther down the road, but it's like deja vu all over again.

Today I FedExed our Referral Acceptance and several other papers so they will arrive at our agency in Virginia by the noon deadline tomorrow, and this afternoon, we got a packet of about 30 pages of travel-related documents to fill out. I'm feeling overwhelmed!

And we neglected to get the boys their passports already, so I'm really kicking myself now. Okay, I've never traveled outside the country before, and I didn't know you had to have your passport way ahead of time in order to get your visa. So we'll be paying some stupid tax to get them expedited. Don't know if it will delay our travel, but it does mean more paperwork.

Oh well, like the old saying goes, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

It's a good thing I'm hungry to get to China :) When I think of our little girl waking up and going to sleep in the orphanage, I would do anything to get to her.

Okay, gimme a pen and that stack of papers . . .

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