Thursday, August 28, 2008


We've all been feeling a little homesick lately. We've been living in the Bentley House (as we call it) since June, and it's really been wonderful. It's a great old house with lots of room and character, and it's closer to school, which has been a real blessing to the chronically late Istres.

But lately, I think we've all been missing our little refuge on Leatherwood Creek. Construction is really starting to pick up on the addition now, and Eric and the boys got a real shock when they went over to feed Pepper (our cat) yesterday:  The house has been almost completely gutted!

Eric took lots of pictures (I'll try to figure out how to post them soon!) and the boys apparently were having a lot of fun weaving in and out of all the studs and generally playing in the mess.

I noticed at church last night that Eli wasn't himself, but I couldn't figure out what it was. He was really uncooperative and obstinate. He didn't want to be comforted or touched. He was obviously angry, but I couldn't get to the source of it.

After church, Eric pulled out the camera and started to show me all the pictures of the house carnage. When I saw the inside, my throat suddenly tightened and tears stung my eyes. It seems silly, but it was hard to see our home of ten years all torn up. I said, "Oh my goodness, the house!" and glanced at Eli. His eyes were red and filled with tears, and his little lip quivered. In a flash, I realized what was bothering him: the poor little guy was grieving his home, the only home he'd ever known. He just didn't know how to say it.

I felt glad that the mystery had been solved, but my heart hurt for my little boy, who was mourning and couldn't see that there would be something good and new after the old had been torn down.

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