Mornings are crazy at our house. We have a system, it's just kind of chaotic. Jacob and Luke are pretty self-reliant when it comes to making sure they are ready for school, but Eli just marches to his own beat. He wants to be ready, but there are so many other things to think about and do! So I feel like I constantly have to remind him to do this and that.
The other day, we were especially late, and I ended up getting pretty irritated with Eli, who instead of getting dressed had decided it would be a better use of his time to wander around the house. When I told him to get dressed NOW and gave a mini-lecture on how stressful it was to have to remind him of every little thing and that he was going to end up wearing his pajamas to school if he didn't get dressed immediately, he listened carefully, nodded his head, and turned to get his clothes. Then, without any hint of sarcasm, he said slowly and thoughtfully, "You know, Mom, I believe it was in Matthew where Jesus said we shouldn't worry about our clothes and stuff."
It was so unexpected I just started laughing. The kid had a point, and used Scripture to back himself up. I finally managed to say, "Well, I don't think Jesus was talking about getting ready for school in the mornings, but you're right, there's no use in getting too upset over clothes."
We made it to school in plenty of time.